Recently I was told by Dr. Bruce Fife (Dr. Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., a certified nutritionist and naturopathic doctor and is the author of numerous health and nutrition books)  that the reason my ANKA titer shot up to 160 is a LOW GRADE INFECTION.  I asked Dr. Fife if a fistula above my failing root canal would have anything to do with it?  YES!

I was shocked to read there are over 42,000 articles on the internet answering the google question; "are root canals related to auto immune diseases?
Do root canals cause cancer?  78,200 answers
  "          "            "     disease   152,00   "   "
Then I asked, "do root canals cause vasculitis" and there were 7,320 articles.
I have now read at least 100 different articles on this topic and it is clear to me from various case studies;
root canals are related to disease, cancer, auto immune disease, and yes are directly linked to cases of vasculitis.
I found this article to be very interesting about the research conducted by Dr. Price.
He actually removed teeth with root canals from people with various diseases and surgically placed them inside of rabbits.  He found that within 10 days the rabbit would develop the same disease!

I had quite a coincidence occur with getting this information on root canals. I was inquiring about a far infared sauna and after a series of questions, Sandy the sales person shared her breast cancer success story.  She discovered that her lower back molar tooth with the root canal also happened to be the tooth related to breast on the dental chart. There are several charts and here are a couple different ones where you can click on them for information:

After my conversation with Sandy, I immediately began to research root canals.  I left Sandy with a few questions about safety issues with Vasculitis and far infared saunas that she would call me back on.  The day she called me back with the answers I was opening the e-mail with information from Dr. Fife at exactly that moment.  For me, this was a sign to really investigate this information further.

Another doctor realized the connection and wrote the book, "Rescued By My Dentist".

I am in the process of researching dental implants as a solution to replacing the teeth with root canals.  Unfortunately I did come across information that indicated putting metal into the bones may be risky especially when you already have an auto immune disease.

I don't know if I will ever know if my root canals triggered my wegeners, but in my never ending quest to get to the bottom of its cause; I am grateful for the education I am receiving in the journey.  May every problem you have be your biggest teacher,  and may you learn your lessons one by one.

I encourage you to share your information, knowledge, and/or questions with me in the comments box.  Thanks!

I encourage you to seek dental advice from a holistic dentist in your area if you have a root canal or amalgam fillings.  This is a disclaimer that I have not given you medical advice and am not responsible for the choices you make based on this information.  I am just the messenger and wish you the best of health!

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Anonymous said...

This makes a lot of sense. I guess it would be better to wear a bridge than a root canal.

During my cooked vegan days I had a tooth that needed a root canal and I couldn't afford it. So my dentist cleaned it up and put in a new porcelain filling.

He told me that it might heal it's self, but if it still hurt a year later I would have to get the root canal. And it did hurt a year later, but I just lived with it... For two more years!

However, after about a month of eating 100% raw foods diet the pain is completely gone.

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