Finally a Crash Course in (almost) Everything You need to Know to Avoid Cancer and other diseases

"The Beautiful Truth" on You Tube
Part 1 - Dr. Gerson's cure for Cancer
This is a must see series which has13 parts.  This is worth every minute of your time and will help you for the rest of your life to stay well.  I already knew much of this information and simply found it to be a deepening of my knowledge.  Even though I knew much of this info, I still found another benefit; strengthening my self discipline to Walk My Talk.

Discussing Flouride and it's side effects on us

Part 3 -  A beautiful truth
Discussing how changing your diet can cure many diseases and even cancer if you get rid of sugar!
How Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies are running the American Medical Association
The homeopathic cures you need to know about from honey and hydrogen peroxide

Part 4 - A Beautiful Truth
Discusses Dental Mercury and the shocking truth
Spread the word and tell everyone you know to refuse getting mercury fillings!

Parts 5 - 13
If you have any problem finding the rest of the series - Go to the You Tube Search box and type
A Beautiful Truth and the part you need.

Some of you just need to be reminded of things you already know just to give you strength to stay on your wellness path.

I knew a lot of these things presented but did not know the sources of research behind what I knew; you will find them in these videos.  

By the end of this series, you will have learned a lot and can help others.   Leave a comment and tell us what shocked you or what you plan to change as a result of watching  "A Beautiful Truth" 
Pass the word on and make a difference.


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Foods that increase inflammation

Even more important than eating foods to reduce inflammation, is avoiding foods which cause inflammation!

Unfortunately I have bad news, these are some of the tastiest most popular foods of all.
French fries!  They cause inflammation - probably because they are fried in oil which becomes a transfat.

Foods containing nitrates such as lunch meats, hot dogs, and sausages.  Especially bad are the pre-packaged lunch meats.  If you are reluctant to avoid these foods, then at least spend a little extra and buy the lunch meats which say NO NITRATES, hormones, or etc...

Junk foods, high fat meats, sugar, processed and fast foods all cause inflammation.  The biggest inducer of inflammation is trans fats.  Too much dairy becomes a source of too much arachidonic acid which also causes inflammation.  If you do not want to give up dairy, choose low fat cheese, milk, and leaner cuts of meat.

Another surprise to some people are tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant which are in a group of vegetables referred to as nightshade.  These also are a source of inflammation and are linked to symptoms of arthritis and generic joint pain.  This is due to a chemical alkaloid called solanine.

I recently ran into an old acquaintance who had very similar symptoms that I had; joint pain, stiffness, and it even came to a point of being unable to walk.  She said she discovered much of it was caused by eating nightshades.  After removing all these nightshades from her diet she was much better.  She also has to eat as much organic as possible to minimize the inflammation.

Gluten is another trigger of inflammation.  I had symptoms of arthritis and would wake up every morning walking kind of crippled.  I removed all wheat products from my diet and the symptom disappeared.

Even more surprising is that a loss of hormones at menopause also results in more inflammation .  In this article they also point out the importance of being at your ideal weight since too much fat around the waist is another trigger of inflammation.

Some of the other foods to avoid are butter, alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages, msg, aspartame, and especially parmesan cheese

Be sure to look back over my article on Managing your Inflammation and the think Anti-Inflammation foods list.  Remember, to change your diet, you must first replace the food you wish to take away in order to be successful.

Eat Well To Feel Great!

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You can improve your health in many ways today!

What will you do today to take another step in the right direction?

After you read this post, go spend thirty minutes doing anyone of the following and you will have lived the quote;
"A journey of a million miles begins with just one step" !Lao Tsu Tung said this and it is so pertinent to our health goals!  I believe everyone should do as many of the following every single day and then you will be taking the best possible care of yourself.  Engaging in at least some of the following on a daily basis will keep you well or help you heal.

Take a Walk today

Last spring when I was in Venice and Rome, Italy I walked the whole time.  After just one week I noticed a big difference in my thighs.  My thighs are the first place to look to see if I have been walking or not?  They immediately began to firm and tighten.  Amazing the difference just seven days of walking can make!  Not to mention what an impact just walking 30 minutes a day can make in controlling your diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, and maintaining your ideal weight.

Visualize your health issues healing

Spend time relaxing, combining deep breathing with seeing your health issues improving.  Relax and unwind feeling and seeing your blood pressure being normal, seeing yourself at your ideal weight, affirming you are taking all the necessary steps to healing and wellness.


I spend at least 15 minutes meditating everyday.  Meditating also helps to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, enhance clarity, and will assist in coping with health challenges.  If you have trouble reaching a pure state of non thinking, consider a meditation class or group.  Your local library will have in its network a variety of guided meditations or instructional ones to try.

Eat a nutrient dense salad everyday

I average eating at least 50% raw food everyday to reap the benefits of maximizing vitamins, enzymes, and minerals.  In one of my articles on this blog I wrote about how many vasculitis people have osteopenia from steroids and need to maximize the amount of calcium rich foods in their daily diet.  The best source of calcium comes from dark leafy greens eaten everyday in rotation.  Best would be to eat a portion of these greens morning, noon, and early evening.  At the very least eat a nutrient dense salad everyday to provide fiber, greens,enzymes, minerals, and vitamins.  Watch for an upcoming article on my current favorite salad.

Eat or drink anti-oxidants daily

Being human in 2010 means we are now running a 50% risk of getting some form of cancer if we do not take
precautionary measures.  Especially for those of us with comprimised immune systems.   I start everyday with a fruit smoothie loaded with organic wild boreal blueberries from Trader Joe's.  Since blueberries are an excellent form of antioxidant I have the morning covered.

Two months ago, I began drinking Kangen Ionized medicinal grade water (contact Michael Doyle for lots of information and a free demonstration at or for general information  Being ionized means it acts as an anti-oxidant on your cells.  Kangen has a high ORP value (Oxidative Reduction Potential) of negative 400 which gives it the ability to remove the lipid coating covering your cells tissue so toxins can get out and nutrients and hydration can occur.  This not only acts as an anti-oxidant but also delays the aging process through proper hydration.  I drink Kangen water throughout the day which allows me the luxury of having anti-oxidants throughout the day.

Ask yourself every single day, what anti-oxidants will I eat or drink today?  Keep this base covered!

Live your Passion - Do something you love to do that feeds your soul
Treat yourself to what lights you up.  Do something you have always wanted to do but never did. 
Go have some fun.  Join a support group.  Start a new hobby or continue an old one.  Take time for yourself and make time for socializing.

Everyone should have an alternative doctor they are seeing at least once a year depending on your health

I get weekly accupuncture and/or cupping treatments from an actual alternative medical doctor.  He is removing toxins from all the chemotherapy, steroids, anti-biotics, and all the other toxins I may have been exposed to during the first 12 years of my life growing up next to an acid company and living down the street from Cadillac motors from my liver.  

I have decided at any one given time for the rest of my life I will be seeing alternative doctors to keep me on the path to wellness.  Begin networking amongst your friends to find a highly recommended one.

Act like you are guarding the gates of a temple throughout your day and do not allow anything harmful into your body. 

Remember the most important question you will ever ask your food; What will you do to me or for me?  If it is white flour, refined sugar, contains trans fats, hydrogenated anything, or is genetically modified;
Just say, NO!  I know this is a process that you can get better and better at as you become more conscious of seeing beyond the taste or getting past your addictions.  

Eat Well To Feel Great!

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How To Manage Inflammation for Vasculitis

Vasculitis is currently "Incurable".  It also is the inflammation of the blood vessels.
However, my accupuncturist Dr. Lu, says, "if we can manage to keep the inflammation down, we can manage the disease"

An interesting article on inflammation from the Arizona Healing Center

The following are ways you can manage inflammation which is the root of many diseases such as cancer.

Eat anti inflammatory foods and avoid foods that trigger inflammation

There is an excellent book called the  Anti-Inflammation Diet.

Take care of yourself through regular exercise, adequate sleep, work with an alternative healing practitioner to keep you well, or facilitate your wellness, avoid or minimize stress, and have a spiritual support group.

Keep your PH in Balance - being too acidic has a relationship with inflammation

Under the direction of my accupuncturist, I drink Goji berry and fresh ginger tea
drink this tea morning, noon, and night and my blood tests so far have shown it works.  My sedementary rate is very low.

Once again I have to mention I am not a doctor and am only sharing my experiences and results.  It is essential for you to check with your healing practitioner before making any changes.  

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Ten Foods every Vasculitis Person should eat

Think Anti-inflammatory foods

Lets start with my favorite:

is the only fruit which contains bromelain
I put pineapple in a variety of salads, I make pina colada smoothies often, and I also eat it by itself.

I add them to my morning fruit smoothies

Enhances any fresh fruit salad

Sprinkle some in your miso soup or on a salad daily. You can also buy kelp noodles and add them into a variety of salads

Chia seeds
are another great anti-inflammatory additive you have to work into your recipes.  Cleveland Clinic has a recipe for vegetable and chia chili.- add 2 tablespoons per pot.  I like chia seeds in raw strawberry or chocolate pudding.

Shitake mushrooms -
great on top of homemade pizza - in miso soup - sauces -

broccoli - 
can be eaten alone or used in a variety of salads or casseroles.  Steaming broccoli is best to avoid cooking out all the enzymes and vitamins.  Raw would be best

Sweet Potatoes -
I love sweet potato casserole.  But to optimize the benefits, sweet potato can also be eaten raw in a variety of salads.

Wild caught salmon
Eat only wild caught

Green Tea -
At least one cup per day

Just as important as eating foods that are anti-inflammatory is avoiding foods that cause inflammation.

Generally, foods that are acidic
white flour - sugar - gluten - wheat - meat - dairy 


Every food you eat will have a reaction in your body.  It will either lift you up or bring you down, keep you your ideal weight or make you gain weight.  Food can give you energy or take it away,  make you bloated, puffy, or even flatten your stomach, make you sweat, give you mucus, or even boost your immune system.

Ask your food what it can do for you?

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Vasculitis Awareness Week starts today

This is national Vasculitis Awareness week where we make an extra effort to raise awareness and do fundraisers.

Here's an article I wrote describing my symptoms

Also for more information, visit the vasculitis foundation website for a full description on what form of vasculitis I have called wegeners.

I recently started selling ancient minerals magnesium oil and in case you were thinking of buying a bottle, this week I am donating  $1.00 for every bottle I sell.  Every dollar donated to the foundation will be directly applied toward Vasculitis research and finding a cure.

If you are not interested in buying a bottle but would like to make a donation to vasculitis research, you may do so by calling the vasculitis foundation at 1-800-277-9474.

Scroll back a couple of articles to read my article on the most effective form of magnesium you will ever use.

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Antioxidant coffee

If you are a coffee drinker and would like to increase the benefits of drinking coffee, meet Caffe Sanora Organic.
It is a new antioxidant coffee which claims to have "more antioxidants than most green teas!

I bought their signature roast at Kroger's which comes ground and is organic by the way.  It is delicious!  Caffe Sanora calls their coffee roasting process "Healthy Roast" and is described as a revolutionary roasting method.  Other companies roast their beans at high temperatures which destroys the level of antioxidants remaining.

Better would of course be to avoid drinking any coffee, but if you are going to drink it, this is a healthier choice.

When I ended up in the hospital in August 2006, I immediately quit drinking coffee and did not have any for 2 years.  When I started drinking some last summer here and there I knew I must be feeling a lot better.  I know about balancing my ph now and eat enough alkaline foods to balance out a cup of coffee a day.  When I have the urge to have more than 1 cup I drink "Teeccino"  which is an alternative to coffee and also tastes delicious.

It is organic and comes in a variety of flavors  The dark roast is made from roasted Ramon nuts, organic carob, organic barley, organic chicory, and organic coffee flavor.  This product is non-acidic, contains no caffeine, and yet is a natural energy boost.  If you are trying to quit drinking any coffee, it says right on the bag it will help you kick the habit in 2 weeks and has advice on how.

This product can be purchased at whole foods and at better health food stores.  In my area it is also available at the Detroit Zen Center.

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My favorite Omega 3 Fish Oil

If you have not heard yet, Omega 3 Fish Oil is an essential supplement for everyone.  But in particular if you have vasculitis.  Every since 2007, I have been regularily taking 3 fish oil capsules a day and have been rotating the brands I buy.   My kidney doctor was actually one of the many who told me to take fish oil capsules as a way to help keep down the inflammation as well as other benefits  He told me he buys his at Costco and that they are they best price and a good quality.

I never did try the Costco brand, but have bought many bottles at Trader Joe's of the Molecularly Distilled and Odorless variety.  But since this is a cheaper brand, I like to rotate it and every other day take my favorite more expensive fish oil as a treat called  "Barlean's" Omega Swirl Fish Oil.  It comes in 2 flavors, but my favorite is
Lemon Zest and it's delicious.

I eat it for dessert and it is truly yummy.  I should also point out, if you are vegan or one of my raw food friends, this does have egg yolks in it and you'll have to miss out on this one.   Since it does have the egg yolks, it's another good reason to use it in rotation with other fish oils throughout the day.

I also did a little research on the company which has been in business since 1989 and they impress me.  I feel this is another very high quality product you should try.   If you do decide to buy some, it's like flax seed oil and needs to be kept in the refridgerator.

If it is a little expensive for your budget, you might like to use it in rotation with your other less expensive fish oils.  Another very highly recommended omega 3 oil is cod liver oil (which is in barleans).  I have not yet personally used pure cod liver oil, but am very impressed with the information I read about it.

I am not making this available on my site because for most people it is readily available.  I am still only selling the magnesium ancient mineral oil.

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One of the greatest alternative health products I ever tried!

It is about time I personally introduce you to one of the best healing products I have ever had the pleasure of using.  I finally got an answer to one of my prayers.  I asked what could help my leg cramps I have been suffering with for the last four or so years?

Someone told me I probably need more magnesium.  So I took more of what I was taking at the time and all I got was loose stools.  Then I kept searching for the answer, and finally a good friend of mine suggested I buy the best magnesium product out there that she knew of, CALM. Finally some relief, but it still didn't completely solve my problem.

, my friends at the raw food buffet told me about "transdermal" magnesium oil.  A product called Ancient Minerals Ultra Pure Magnesium Oil

 You spray it on and it works great.  It is highly recommended and sold at places like where I bought it; "Tree Of Life Rejuvenation Center".  It is really the best money I have ever spent on alternative supplements, ever!  I have bought many different kinds of magnesium and none of them solved my problems like Ancient Minerals pure magnesium oil.  I must have had a major magnesium deficiency and didn't even know it.

As I have mentioned, I have bought many alternative supplements for a variety of purposes, and I have never experienced such amazing results with any of them like I have with this product.

I am so excited about this product I have decided to become an affiliate and am asking you to try it.  I am confident you will love this product too and will be very happy with it.  I know it will have major benefits for your overall health.  If you would like to buy your bottle, please click on this link  I appreciate your purchase and assure you, if I decided to sell a product, it is because it is worth every penny and it will bring you a result.

I would also like to ask my readers to leave tips on any alternative products they truly love and see results from.

In one of my next upcoming articles I can't wait to tell you about my all time favorite omega 3 fish oil; its the best I have found.

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Green Tea is now on the list of supplements that can cause liver damage!

In 2006 I participated in a liver study at University Of Michigan because the chemotherapy "cytoxan" I was taking was raising my liver enzymes to dangerous levels.  In other words, cytoxan was causing liver damage.  I turned lemons into lemonade and had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in a national liver study to determine what medications and supplements cause liver damage.

I regarded it as a golden opportunity because every time I went I learned about common prescriptions such as popular antibiotics being the culprit of liver damage.  I discovered  I had recently taken one of the toxic antibiotics on their list!  In fact half of the anti-biotics I was given while hospitalized in August 2006 were on their list of known agents causing irreversible liver damage!

Knowing what I know now, I always research every supplement and medication I am taking.  Even when I believe the doctor prescribing them has my best interests in their heart.  New information is revealed everyday at this amazing time in history and they may not have the time or take the time to thoroughly keep abreast as research results are updated.

I am in this liver study for 20 years and I receive a newsletter making me aware of their latest findings.  In this newsletter here are the latest 4 items found to cause liver damage:

Herbalife - used for weightloss, energy, and fitness

Green Tea extract - used to cause weight loss.  I want to emphasize they write "extract" next to Green Tea.  I still intend to drink green tea as an anti-oxidant, but I now decided to be sure it is always in moderation.

Usnic Acid - also used to cause weight loss.  Many of these items have already been taken off the market.

Black Cohosh - used to treat joint pain, muscle pain, bronchitis, and obesity.  I am sorry to see black cohosh on this list because I personally know people who have taken this successfully for a variety of different benefits.  It also happens to be used in numerous other combination supplements.

I should also clarify the way I interpret the green tea is in extract form.  They also have it worded as "unrefined" extracts of green tea.

As I continue to be updated with this newsletter I will pass this information on to my readers.  In fact, if there are readers out there who are aware of other medications and supplements you have new found information on, please comment on them below.  It is essential we band together and keep each other posted with our information in order to take the best care of our health.

My feeling about the supplements above is rather than use a supplement for weight loss, change the foods you chose to eat!  I know raw foodists who eat all day and they do not have a problem with their weight.  Educate yourself about the superfoods that bring benefits without the added calories.  Raw deserts are healthy, have benefits, and have fewer calories and no harmful fats.

The other conclusion I would like to remind you of is, supplements are powerful and they can be just as damaging as some traditional over the counter and prescription meds.  I am advocating finding a alternative practitioner you can regard as your partner in taking the best care of you possible.  Rather than go by hear say, at least once a year see your wellness coach and take inventory.  You may be taking supplements that can cause more harm than good!

I also want to make an observation about the target of the conclusions that were printed; interesting they did not print some of the traditional medications they had mentioned to me as being some of the most toxic for your liver?  Maybe they still intend to release that info in upcoming newsletters; something to be aware of.  I hope it is not a biased study toward alternative medicine?

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"Ask Not What Food Taste Good, but, What Your Food Can Do For You"?

If that title reminds you of John F. Kennedy, you are right.  I just returned from my Easter Vacation to Boston and still have him on my mind.  I visited the JFK museum situated on the Boston harbor and if you are ever in the area, it's a museum worth visiting.

The highlight of Boston for me was eating at Grezzo's!  
Simply one of the best Raw Food Restaurants in our country, and the best raw food restaurant I have ever been to!

While you are out there, go to Grezzo's; Alicia Cohen's raw food restaurant.  This is a must!  It's in downtown area of Boston called the North End.  It is surrounded by many quaint restaurants; mostly italian.  So, why, when there are so many delicious restaurants would you want to eat food that is not even cooked?  Results!  

This is food that goes the extra mile to give you energy, make you feel good, and all the while not give you health problems.  It contains the right kinds of fat, so it will not give you cholesterol, heart disease, or make you fat.  It can even reverse diabetes, lower blood pressure, reduce or prevent inflammation, and make your skin glow!  People who eat raw food often have a sparkle in their eye and their hair has luster.

It's time to ask your food; "what can you do for me"?  In fact, I get up everyday and ask what I need my food to do for me today?  What food would best meet my needs today?
Since my accupuncturist said my liver has a lot of toxins in it (probably from the arsenal of medications; especially chemotherapy), once a week I have a        beet greens smoothie.
Recently, one of my readers asked me for this recipe.  It is very similar to any of my other green smoothie's except the main green is organic beet greens.  Start with pure fresh water - about 1 cup
                                                    1 whole peeled lemon without the seeds
                                                          1 organic apple
                                                        1 whole bundle of beet greens 
                                                         1 whole bundle watercress
                                                        1 tablespoon hemp seed powder
                                                         1  "   "     raw maca
you could add more to this such as 2 or 3 celery stalks, handful of parsley, bok choy, kale, collards and any other dark leafy greens.  If you do add more, I usually limit it to just 2 or 3 other greens.

By drinking this smoothie you will assist in cleansing and detoxing your liver, you will also get protein from the hemp powder, the apple will assist in releasing the toxins, the celery helps to reduce the heat in the liver; (according to Dr. Lu), the watercress is an internal cleaner, and the lemons contain pectin, vitamin C, help to alkalize your body, and contain magnesium and calcium.


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The Healing Power of Tea

To see results from drinking healing tea, start with fresh good quality herbs.  Use good quality water such as Kangen (read my article on good quality water) that has health benefits all by itself.

I recently bought fresh herbs from my accupuncturist which were nearly as pricey per ounce as gold.  To offset the cost, I bought more of the same at 3 different places.  I bought rosebuds at the peoples food coop in Ann Arbor and more rosebuds from a middle eastern store around metro Detroit.  Even a child could tell you which one was freshest since the quality was about as different as night and day.  The oldest rosebuds were still $40.00 per pound and had lost their glory.  The expensive ones looked like you could still use them in a wedding bouquet; they were vibrant fuscia and looked perfect.

The chrysanthemums from the accupuncturist still looked alive even though they were totally dried.  They still smelled so fragrant and looked so pretty.  The ones from a metro Detroit chinese store looked like they were dug out of grandma's attic left over from when she used to make crafts.  Again, I believe even a blind person could tell the difference in the two just by feeling and smelling, not even seeing.

No wonder people are skeptic about the healing powers of tea.  In my randon stops for more of the same herbs, the quality was comprised.    Without being a herbologist, I would be willing to bet on the equation;
the herbs from the accupuncturist work and heal, while the cheaper ones are like a placebo.

Assuming you have good quality herbs, studies have proven the following teas will help you.  The following teas are especially helpful for people with vasculitis.

Green Tea is an easy way to take in a daily anti-oxidant.  Drink at least 3 cups spread throughout the day.
I should also mention I do not rely on just green tea and start every day with at least 1 cup of organic blueberries.  I also eat other antioxidant foods throughout the day to assist my comprimised immune system
to avoid cancer.

Goji Berries and fresh peeled ginger at least 3 cups a day to manage inflammation.
Again, I supplement with anti-inflammatory foods such as at least 1 cup of pineapple almost every day in my smoothie.

Chrysanthemum and rosebuds at least 3 cups spread throughout the day to loosen you up and eliminate stiffness.  It is also good to drink as summer approaches to keep your body cooler.  Click the links to read more about its benefits.

Hawthorn Berry tea to reduce inflammation and also reduces over calcification -  It also reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

I can say personally that I have already seen results from the anti-inflammatory tea since my sedementation rate (blood test to measure inflammation in the body) is 7 which is very low.  My accupuncturist says if we can manage to keep your inflammation low, you will stay in remission.

Look for an update on this article featuring more healing teas.  I wish all my readers a blessed Easter and  may you find the right tea for your health needs!
Remember to check with your health care practicioner before consuming any herb teas.  Some herbs may interact with your medications or health issues.  I also encourage everyone to find an alternative doctor to work with even if you are well or already have a team of traditional doctors.  There are things everyone of us can do to optimize our health.  I strongly feel if I would have had an alternative doctor in my life, I may not have ever gotten this disease!  Or, at least I would have caught it before it did all the damage I suffered from it.

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Recommended Traditional Doctors in Metro Detroit and beyond

I also want to recommend some traditional doctors I think are excellent:

Dr. Mary Yenchick - fabulous gynocologist in Warren

Dr. Dancik in Troy is a traditional kidney doctor and is excellent (my opinion - but also voted top doc by HOUR magazine).  I also know a few others who see his partners Dr. Dillon and Dr. Gold and thought they were excellent too.

Dr. Dunn in Grosse Pointe is a traditional cardiologist and also the head of Henry Ford Cardiology in West Bloomfield.  He is excellent and very highly recommended.

Dr. Langford is the director of Cleveland Clinic Rheumatology department and is very involved with Vasculitis Foundation.  She is excellent and is the one to see if you have vasculitis.

If any of you have a really good traditional doctor we should know about, please comment below:

Thanks and be well!

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Introducing Alternative doctors in the Metro Detroit Area

For those of you living in Metro Detroit, I would like to mention some Alternative Doctors that are highly recommended.

Dr. David Brownstein of West Bloomfield Holistic Health Center.  If you are unable to get an appointment with him, his partner Dr. Ing is also very good and is highly recommended.

Dr. Waller in Rochester Hills used to accept traditional insurance, but is now strictly alternative.

Dr. Lu  an accupuncturist in Ann Arbor is excellent (my personal opinion - but also came VERY highly recommended).

Dr. Sickos in Ann Arbor is an alternative doctor who is raved about.  He uses the vitamin C drip and helps cancer patients.

Dr. Shea is an alternative doctor that many people rave about.  She has an office in Atlanta, Georgia but comes to metro Detroit several times a year.

Dr. Sheldon Stolman an accupuncturist in Madison Heights is also excellent (my personal opinion but also was recommmended by people who experienced healing results).

Dr. Jantz in Grosse Pointe  (he was unable to help me, but I know a handful of other people who rave about their results with him).

If any of my followers have an alternative doctor you would like to recommend to the rest of us - please leave the info in the comments.  Thanks for your input!

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The Doctors show on March 31st features alternative medicine

Today the doctors show on March 31, 2010 showed a variety of alternative therapies.  Dr. Thom Lobe founded Beneveda Health Center and is worth checking into for a possible appointment for your health problem.  He does cutting edge energy healing work and has the latest healing equipment.

I found the doctors show today to be one of the best I have seen so far on there.  It is worth clicking the link and watching it.  Also on the show were near death experiences and personal accounts while people were in comas.

I would like to ask my readers to leave comments on any other interesting not to be missed medical topic shows that are available on the internet archives.  Thanks for reading and thanks for contributing any comments.
Enjoy Spring and remember..

Eat Well To Feel Great!

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Benefits of Raw Chocolate applied to my latest raw almond macaroons

I am so excited about the benefits of eating raw chocolate!  There are numerous benefits, but there is one that stands out the most.  If you eat this chocolate; you will not want to eat processed chocolate that is rancid.  As stated in the article just below this one, when chocolate is heated the oil turns rancid.  Therefore, you need to find a replacement which is healthier.  If you have not tried the recipe below (follow the link) for raw lavender chocolate yet, try it, you'll love it.

After making the raw lavender chocolate, I made raw coconut almond macaroons and then dipped them into the raw chocolate.  If you are a fan of coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate; this is a must make recipe.  If you are wondering, is it worth the trouble to make?, read the article below and follow the link about the benefits of raw cacao and raw coconut oil.  This is clearly a dessert that is healthy and ...delicious.

Leave your e-mail in the comment box with your name and I will e-mail you the recipe.  I am still perfecting it. 

 Until then here are the ingredients and notes
Note - use mostly coconut and almond butter.  Use just enough of all the natural sweeteners to hold it all together.  Roll into balls.  Press into thumb print cookie style and leave small enough so there is room for chocolate to surround it.  Place into mini candy paper cups.  Pour raw chocolate over the top and fill cup.
Put all the ingredients below in a food processor
Unsweetened organic coconut shredded
raw creamy almond butter
medjool dates
raw agave nectar
dried cherries, almond meal, celtic sea salt to taste

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Raw Cacao Contains Theobromine and has the benefit of being a circulatory system dilator for vasculitis

Raw chocolate has many benefits that processed chocolate does not.  It contains a very high amount of magnesium and also happens to be a powerful anti-oxidant.  It is good for your heart because it is a circulatory system dilator.  Raw cacao contains theobromine which dilates the cardiovascular system.

Last week I made the most delicious raw food dessert I have ever made!  Raw Lavender Chocolate bars.  It was so good I want to share the recipe with you  Not only is this dessert delicious, it is healthy!  Let me enlighten you on why raw chocolate is healthy and why processed chocolate is toxic.

First, let me introduce you to raw chocolate guru, David Wolfe.  He just published the awesome book,
"Naked Chocolate".  Go to for further info and some additional raw chocolate recipes.

Why you should eat raw chocolate (cacoa) - follow this link below to you tube and listen to David Wolfe talk about its nutritional value
Why you should eat raw chocolate instead of processed?
Processed chocolate is inferior to raw because the high heat turns the oil rancid and becomes a trans-fatty acid.  To learn more about this go to this link on You Tube

Even if you are not a raw foodist, this is a dessert worth making.  It also contains coconut oil which has a wealth of healing properties.  Dr. Fife wrote the books "Coconut Cures" and "The Coconut Oil Miracle" which discusses the healing benefits such as controling blood sugar, prevents colon cancer, free radicals, prevents osteoporosis, expels parasites, helps reduce excess body fat, and many more benefits.  Check out this link for more information about coconut oil.  There are thousands of articles on the internet about the benefits of coconut oil.

The final reason to eat raw chocolate; it replaces desserts containing refined sugar.  Remember, if you want to eat healthy, look for foods to replace ones you need to eliminate.  Once you start eating raw chocolate, you will not have a problem letting go of processed chocolate.

Eat Well To Feel Great!

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must read raw food books

There are many excellent raw food books. 

I love all the raw food books by Gabriel Cousens and David Wolf. 
I personally own

Conscious EATING by Gabriel Cousens
Living On Live Food by Alissa Cohen which comes with a DVD
Raw Sensational - Best of The Best in 10 Minutes or Less by Beth Wilke & Bonnie Clay 
The Complete Book Of RAW FOOD by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell
Raw Food real world by Matthew Kenny and Sarma Melngaillis
The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalie Rose
Raw The UNcook Book by Juliano
The Sprouting Book by Ann Wigmore
The Juiceman's Power Of Juicing by Jay Kordich
Juicing For Life by Cherie Calbom
Power Juices Super Drinks by Steve Meyerowitz 

Other Raw Books

The Live Food Factor - The comprehensive guide for the Ultimate Diet for Body  by Susan Schneck and Victoria Bidwell or sschenck@alumni.indiana.Pedu

Check at for great 1/2 deals on raw books
If you are new to raw food and wonder which one to start with; I recommend Alissa Cohen's book and DVD.  This woud be really helpful to have a dvd.
My other highest recommendation; join a raw food meetup.  I attend Crazy Yummy Raw in Troy, Michigan once a month.  Look up raw food meet ups to see which ones are in your area.  It is the best way to try the food and get the recipe.  My favorite part is meeting like minded people who are health conscious.
Since raw food is really a way of life and leaving the old ways behind; some find it very challenging at first.  A few raw food classes would help tremendously to accelerate you to a better you!

Good Luck and
Eat Well To Feel Great! 


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Recently I was told by Dr. Bruce Fife (Dr. Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., a certified nutritionist and naturopathic doctor and is the author of numerous health and nutrition books)  that the reason my ANKA titer shot up to 160 is a LOW GRADE INFECTION.  I asked Dr. Fife if a fistula above my failing root canal would have anything to do with it?  YES!

I was shocked to read there are over 42,000 articles on the internet answering the google question; "are root canals related to auto immune diseases?
Do root canals cause cancer?  78,200 answers
  "          "            "     disease   152,00   "   "
Then I asked, "do root canals cause vasculitis" and there were 7,320 articles.
I have now read at least 100 different articles on this topic and it is clear to me from various case studies;
root canals are related to disease, cancer, auto immune disease, and yes are directly linked to cases of vasculitis.
I found this article to be very interesting about the research conducted by Dr. Price.
He actually removed teeth with root canals from people with various diseases and surgically placed them inside of rabbits.  He found that within 10 days the rabbit would develop the same disease!

I had quite a coincidence occur with getting this information on root canals. I was inquiring about a far infared sauna and after a series of questions, Sandy the sales person shared her breast cancer success story.  She discovered that her lower back molar tooth with the root canal also happened to be the tooth related to breast on the dental chart. There are several charts and here are a couple different ones where you can click on them for information:

After my conversation with Sandy, I immediately began to research root canals.  I left Sandy with a few questions about safety issues with Vasculitis and far infared saunas that she would call me back on.  The day she called me back with the answers I was opening the e-mail with information from Dr. Fife at exactly that moment.  For me, this was a sign to really investigate this information further.

Another doctor realized the connection and wrote the book, "Rescued By My Dentist".

I am in the process of researching dental implants as a solution to replacing the teeth with root canals.  Unfortunately I did come across information that indicated putting metal into the bones may be risky especially when you already have an auto immune disease.

I don't know if I will ever know if my root canals triggered my wegeners, but in my never ending quest to get to the bottom of its cause; I am grateful for the education I am receiving in the journey.  May every problem you have be your biggest teacher,  and may you learn your lessons one by one.

I encourage you to share your information, knowledge, and/or questions with me in the comments box.  Thanks!

I encourage you to seek dental advice from a holistic dentist in your area if you have a root canal or amalgam fillings.  This is a disclaimer that I have not given you medical advice and am not responsible for the choices you make based on this information.  I am just the messenger and wish you the best of health!

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Everyday you are hospitalized raises your risk of being exposed to a hospital related infection!

I was in the hospital just 2 days when I was moved out of that room to a room just across the hallway.  I was disappointed because in the first room I was in the bed next to the window and had a nice view.  I actually did not want to go, but the nurse whispered to me; you can't stay here because there is some kind of infection in this room!  Yikes, I said, hurry up and move me then!

What shocked me was, two days later they moved someone else into the room I had just been evacuated from.  Three weeks later when I was leaving, I met the woman who was moved into my room.  She said she was supposed to be in there just one night to have some tests taken.  She had just a small problem initially, but now was very very sick.  She had developed some sort of infection and they could not get rid of it.  She was hooked up to an antibiotic IV and had been on one now for almost 3 weeks and still they could not get rid of the infection!  (a friend of a friend who is a nurse told me it was most likely MERSA).

Months later I contacted this woman to see how she was doing and she had been back to the hospital twice since being released the first time.  One time she was near death from the infection she had picked up in  the room I was evacuated from.  She was still very very sick.  No energy and infection throughout her body.

The second time I was hospitalized, I requested the house doctor from referrals I received during my first hospitalization.  This doctor was much better than my assigned doctor I had to endure for 3 weeks..  He said to me..."we are going to get you out of here as soon as possible.  The longer you are in here, the higher your chance is of getting an infection".  I told him about the lady across the hall who picked up that infection and he said; IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!  

A couple of things I want to point out:  When you are in the hospital, if you are not happy with your assigned doctor; ask around for which doctors are better.  I started asking the nurses and other patients.  I also observed other doctors who came to call on my different room mates.  You probably won't be able to switch your assigned doctor during that visit, but you can ask for a different doctor the next time you are admitted.  

The other point I want to make is, a good doctor will do everything they can to get you out of hospital as quick as they deem safe.  There is a fine line between needing to stay long enough until you are well enough to leave; and staying too long increasing your chances of being exposed to a deadly infection.  Below is a  report on infections that I found interesting.

The full list of 105 U.S. hospitals that have tallied zero central-line infections in their most recent reports can be found at performing hospitals include several major teaching institutions in major metropolitan areas. Some examples include New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Strong Memorial in Rochester, New York, Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, New Jersey, and the Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center in California. Bloodstream infections cause at least 30 percent of the estimated 99,000 annual hospital-infection-related deaths in the U.S. and add on average $42,000 to the hospital bills of each ICU patient who gets a central-line infection.

I also want to mention I have not used the name of the hospital, doctors, or patient to protect their identity.

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