The Finest water in the land

In my quest for the finest superfoods available to man, I stumbled upon a new imminent quest; the need to improve my brita water filter system.  Since embarking on the raw food path, I have met many very enlightened raw foodists.  One of the common traits amongst these raw foodists is,  they have improved and upgraded their water systems.  They have a myriad of water solutions ranging from distilled, reverse osmosis, Kangen, ionized, clustered, and high ph.  There are some with such sophisticated systems that several steps are involved in preparing the ultimate water.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens says, distilled water is the best water you can drink.  It also happens to be one of the most affordable systems to own.  Of course, you have to add liquid minerals to this because when you distill water you remove the minerals.  You can also fill the distilled water in a clear glass container and set it out overnight in the moonlight to structure it.  Hallelujah acres / raw food healing school, also sells distillers because they believe it is the finest water system at the most affordable price.

In my survey of what is the best bottled water, Iceland springs has a 8.8 ph and many feel it is the best out of the bottled water market.  It has a very clean crisp taste and gave me the impression without further research, it is the best in plastic bottles.  My niece is a water distributor for drink 360 water (ionized clustered water), and she feels in her extensive research, this is the best bottled water.  Barb DiMarzo says, she can tell the difference in the way she feels from drinking it; it's worth every penny of its cost.

Another friend of mine, Michael Doyle, is a Kangen water distributor  who began drinking the ionized clustered water when he was very sick from an autoimmune illness.  He noticed feeling better right away and feels Kangen improved his health dramatically after drinking it for several months.  That's because it raises your bodies ph and many diseases cannot exist in an alkaline environment.  "I also notice I stay hydrated after drinking it.  Compare to regular drinking water where your lips and mouth are still dry after drinking a large volume.   After drinking a lot of Kangen water,  I do not have that sloshy water stomach where the water just seems to accumulate there.  It goes right into your cells and your body is absorbing it.

I have been drinking Kangen water for almost a month myself now and have noticed a definite difference.
I also notice I stay consistently hydrated and do not have dry lips, mouth, or skin.  I drink a lot of water, and yet do not have the bloated stomach that I used to have drinking a similar amount of plastic bottle spring water.  I also seem to have a little more energy from drinking Kangen.  Best of all, it tastes like pure refreshing water.

My conclusion is, once you drink good quality water, no matter which kind, regular water will never taste the same again.  There is no going back if you have a choice.  I think having a source of good pure water is just as important as sleeping on a good quality mattress, more of a necessity than taking quality supplements,
 and even more important than buying the finest foods in the land.

So, what is the finest water in the land?   Anything is better than plain tap water.  Try to go at least a step above a Brita water filter.  Even the reverse osmosis machine at Kroger, whole foods, and Meijers is a step up.
But the finest is one that is ionized, has a high ph, and is clustered.  There are at least a few systems that meet that criteria.
Let me know what you think is the finest?

You can live weeks without food, but only 3 days without water. To feel your best, drink the finest.

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