Tree Of Life Rejuvenation Center Really healed many People of Diabetes

In December 2009 I had the opportunity to visit "Tree Of Life Rejuvenation Center" in Patagonia, Arizona.
I went for a day and wanted to spend the rest of my life there to lead a healthy lifestyle.  Situated in the mountains just above the town of Patagonia, 20 miles north of the Mexican border, is one of the cutting edge healing centers in the world.  This is where people come to transform their life and heal.  Many have reversed their diabetes here (type I and II) and they even made a movie on it called "Reversing Diabetes" with Sir Dr. Gabriel Cousens; founder and leader of "Tree Of Life".  Our Southeast Michigan Vasculitis Chapter will be showing this movie on Monday, March 15, 2010 in West Bloomfield.  If you would like to come, please contact me for further details.
Some of you know, I had steroid induced diabetes which I was able to reverse through going on the raw food diet.  If you have diabetes and are willing to change the way you eat, you can reverse your diabetes; even if you are on insulin.  If you do not have diabetes, incorporate more raw food into your diet and try to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can.  The biggest most important change I made, was changing my breakfast choices to raw.  If you start the day out with a green smoothie or other raw fruits and vegetabes, you will start each day in control of your glucose.  For more information on reversing your diabetes, see the movie "Reversing Diabetes" and/or get the book with the same title.
If you are unable to make these changes yourself, consider going to "Tree Of Life" and they will help you.  Go to their website (link on link below) and get some information on their programs.
If you would like to purchase your own movie "Reversing Diabetes" to watch yourself, or to show at your vasculitis Chapter Meeting, go to

I also want to suggest planning an upcoming trip where you can visit the Tree and have lunch with them.  You can just have lunch ($30.00) and worth every penny of it, or buy a day pass for $150.00 and attend their classes and participate in whatever is going on that day.  If you do decide to visit, you can either stay in Pantagonia, or I stayed at the Radisson (by the airport) in Tuscon.  Great suite, pool, jacuzzi, and workout room including breakfast buffet for $70.00 a night (prices are subject to change ).  I highly recommend this
Radisson Airport hotel and will stay there again.  It is located about 1 hour and 20 minutes from Patagonia.                                        
Pictured above is outdoor eating area just outside the kitchen of Tree Of Life.
I would also recommend going on the web and putting in Raw Food Meetup Groups and visit one soon.  You will find the best healthy food, get recipes, and get started on your way to better health!
Eat Well to Feel Great!

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Berry Good Smoothies

Everyday I wake up and think, I can't wait to have a Berry Good Smoothie.  Before I got sick, I used to rotate my coffees.  I was a gourmet coffee drinker long before Starbucks and Caribou came to down.  That was another world quest of mine, to find the best coffee in whatever country I happened to be in.  Of course when people would ask me, "what's your favorite country"?, I would often say Italy for two reasons, cappucino and gelato.  During my year and a half trip around Europe and the middle east, I found myself leaving Italy, only to return the next night on a night train in time for my morning cup of cappuchino and my evening activity of trying yet another gelati place and flavor. 
Before my husband and I were married, we met in Peru.  He would accompany me for a 30 minute taxi ride across town to have a cup of the finest cappuchino I could find in the Lima area.  Very early on he learned I was serious about my quest to find the best!  Now knowing that, you can count on my berry smoothie recipe being something to look forward to start your day with:

Start with a liquid such as coconut.  I recommend Young Thai Coconut (the white one)  I use half the coconut juice and half the coconut meat and safe the other half for tomorrow.  Put this in your blender first.
Fresh squeezed orange juice (1 or 2 valencia oranges).  1 whole peeled blood orange (when in season)
Fresh Pineapple at least 3/4 cup
fresh organic blueberries - at least 1 cup (I buy frozen wild boreal blueberries at Trader Joe's)
1 fresh mango or (frozen mango from Trader Joe's) Mango is optional and depends on my mood

There you have it, the makings of a fantastic delicious anti-oxidant vitamin c loaded pick you up and make you feel great breakfast.  You'll notice my amounts are flexible.  Experiment and go with your mood.  Sometimes I want more blueberries.  Sometimes I have a higher sed rate (inflammation measure) and need the bromelain from the pineapple and add more.

I rotate my fruit smoothies too, but I admit I need to rotate this one a little more often.  I also recommend  this juice book  "Juicing For Life" by Cherie Calbom & Maureen Keane.  It has smoothie recipes categorized according to your health issue.  It's always good to know what the fruits and vegetables are that will assist your healing for your particular problem.

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My secret to my health transformation is in the juice!

Many people began to say, you look much better, how did you do that?  What did you do to go from getting sicker everyday to looking better everyday?  GREEN SMOOTHIES!
Everyday I would get up and drink a green smoothie and each day rotate the dark leafy greens.
Green Plant Drink  (I buy this one in the dry juice isle at Trader Joe's) liquid foundation (can be any healthy liquid; water, some ice, any juice without sugar added)
1 whole peeled lemon
1 whole organic apple
2-3 stalks organic celery
1 tablespoon hemp seed powder (could use soy or whey)
All the following are rotated - sometimes I add 3 or 4 from below.                                                                kale
                               bok choy                              collard greens
                               spinach                                 swiss chard
                           beet leaf greens                      watercress
                                                                  parsley                               sunflower sprouts
There are many more greens, just keep rotating them; as Victoria Boutenko says.
"Rotate Your Greens daily"
blend all above (I use a vitamix, but I did just have a regular blender and it worked.  It just takes longer
I keep the fiber in, but you could strain this and just drink the juice.  I leave the fiber in because this is my breakfast and I want to get full from it.  Also we need the extra fiber
to keep our system moving.  I have been drinking these smoothies for 2 years now.
 I also think the trick to these green smoothies is they raise your alkalinity.  When I was really sick, initially my ph was 6.5.  After drinking the smoothies it quickly went up to 7 - 7.5.  A ph balance of 7.5 is ideal.  My last ph test on my official blood test was 8. in Jan. 2010.  There is a great book about ph called "The ph Miracle Diet - Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health" by Robert O. Young. 

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