Raw Cacao Contains Theobromine and has the benefit of being a circulatory system dilator for vasculitis

Raw chocolate has many benefits that processed chocolate does not.  It contains a very high amount of magnesium and also happens to be a powerful anti-oxidant.  It is good for your heart because it is a circulatory system dilator.  Raw cacao contains theobromine which dilates the cardiovascular system.

Last week I made the most delicious raw food dessert I have ever made!  Raw Lavender Chocolate bars.  It was so good I want to share the recipe with you  Not only is this dessert delicious, it is healthy!  Let me enlighten you on why raw chocolate is healthy and why processed chocolate is toxic.

First, let me introduce you to raw chocolate guru, David Wolfe.  He just published the awesome book,
"Naked Chocolate".  Go to for further info and some additional raw chocolate recipes.

Why you should eat raw chocolate (cacoa) - follow this link below to you tube and listen to David Wolfe talk about its nutritional value
Why you should eat raw chocolate instead of processed?
Processed chocolate is inferior to raw because the high heat turns the oil rancid and becomes a trans-fatty acid.  To learn more about this go to this link on You Tube

Even if you are not a raw foodist, this is a dessert worth making.  It also contains coconut oil which has a wealth of healing properties.  Dr. Fife wrote the books "Coconut Cures" and "The Coconut Oil Miracle" which discusses the healing benefits such as controling blood sugar, prevents colon cancer, free radicals, prevents osteoporosis, expels parasites, helps reduce excess body fat, and many more benefits.  Check out this link for more information about coconut oil.  There are thousands of articles on the internet about the benefits of coconut oil.

The final reason to eat raw chocolate; it replaces desserts containing refined sugar.  Remember, if you want to eat healthy, look for foods to replace ones you need to eliminate.  Once you start eating raw chocolate, you will not have a problem letting go of processed chocolate.

Eat Well To Feel Great!

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must read raw food books

There are many excellent raw food books. 

I love all the raw food books by Gabriel Cousens and David Wolf. 
I personally own

Conscious EATING by Gabriel Cousens
Living On Live Food by Alissa Cohen which comes with a DVD
Raw Sensational - Best of The Best in 10 Minutes or Less by Beth Wilke & Bonnie Clay 
The Complete Book Of RAW FOOD by Lori Baird and Julie Rodwell
Raw Food real world by Matthew Kenny and Sarma Melngaillis
The Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalie Rose
Raw The UNcook Book by Juliano
The Sprouting Book by Ann Wigmore
The Juiceman's Power Of Juicing by Jay Kordich
Juicing For Life by Cherie Calbom
Power Juices Super Drinks by Steve Meyerowitz 

Other Raw Books

The Live Food Factor - The comprehensive guide for the Ultimate Diet for Body  by Susan Schneck and Victoria Bidwell or sschenck@alumni.indiana.Pedu

Check at for great 1/2 deals on raw books
If you are new to raw food and wonder which one to start with; I recommend Alissa Cohen's book and DVD.  This woud be really helpful to have a dvd.
My other highest recommendation; join a raw food meetup.  I attend Crazy Yummy Raw in Troy, Michigan once a month.  Look up raw food meet ups to see which ones are in your area.  It is the best way to try the food and get the recipe.  My favorite part is meeting like minded people who are health conscious.
Since raw food is really a way of life and leaving the old ways behind; some find it very challenging at first.  A few raw food classes would help tremendously to accelerate you to a better you!

Good Luck and
Eat Well To Feel Great! 


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Recently I was told by Dr. Bruce Fife (Dr. Bruce Fife, C.N., N.D., a certified nutritionist and naturopathic doctor and is the author of numerous health and nutrition books)  that the reason my ANKA titer shot up to 160 is a LOW GRADE INFECTION.  I asked Dr. Fife if a fistula above my failing root canal would have anything to do with it?  YES!

I was shocked to read there are over 42,000 articles on the internet answering the google question; "are root canals related to auto immune diseases?
Do root canals cause cancer?  78,200 answers
  "          "            "     disease   152,00   "   "
Then I asked, "do root canals cause vasculitis" and there were 7,320 articles.
I have now read at least 100 different articles on this topic and it is clear to me from various case studies;
root canals are related to disease, cancer, auto immune disease, and yes are directly linked to cases of vasculitis.
I found this article to be very interesting about the research conducted by Dr. Price.
He actually removed teeth with root canals from people with various diseases and surgically placed them inside of rabbits.  He found that within 10 days the rabbit would develop the same disease!

I had quite a coincidence occur with getting this information on root canals. I was inquiring about a far infared sauna and after a series of questions, Sandy the sales person shared her breast cancer success story.  She discovered that her lower back molar tooth with the root canal also happened to be the tooth related to breast on the dental chart. There are several charts and here are a couple different ones where you can click on them for information:

After my conversation with Sandy, I immediately began to research root canals.  I left Sandy with a few questions about safety issues with Vasculitis and far infared saunas that she would call me back on.  The day she called me back with the answers I was opening the e-mail with information from Dr. Fife at exactly that moment.  For me, this was a sign to really investigate this information further.

Another doctor realized the connection and wrote the book, "Rescued By My Dentist".

I am in the process of researching dental implants as a solution to replacing the teeth with root canals.  Unfortunately I did come across information that indicated putting metal into the bones may be risky especially when you already have an auto immune disease.

I don't know if I will ever know if my root canals triggered my wegeners, but in my never ending quest to get to the bottom of its cause; I am grateful for the education I am receiving in the journey.  May every problem you have be your biggest teacher,  and may you learn your lessons one by one.

I encourage you to share your information, knowledge, and/or questions with me in the comments box.  Thanks!

I encourage you to seek dental advice from a holistic dentist in your area if you have a root canal or amalgam fillings.  This is a disclaimer that I have not given you medical advice and am not responsible for the choices you make based on this information.  I am just the messenger and wish you the best of health!

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Everyday you are hospitalized raises your risk of being exposed to a hospital related infection!

I was in the hospital just 2 days when I was moved out of that room to a room just across the hallway.  I was disappointed because in the first room I was in the bed next to the window and had a nice view.  I actually did not want to go, but the nurse whispered to me; you can't stay here because there is some kind of infection in this room!  Yikes, I said, hurry up and move me then!

What shocked me was, two days later they moved someone else into the room I had just been evacuated from.  Three weeks later when I was leaving, I met the woman who was moved into my room.  She said she was supposed to be in there just one night to have some tests taken.  She had just a small problem initially, but now was very very sick.  She had developed some sort of infection and they could not get rid of it.  She was hooked up to an antibiotic IV and had been on one now for almost 3 weeks and still they could not get rid of the infection!  (a friend of a friend who is a nurse told me it was most likely MERSA).

Months later I contacted this woman to see how she was doing and she had been back to the hospital twice since being released the first time.  One time she was near death from the infection she had picked up in  the room I was evacuated from.  She was still very very sick.  No energy and infection throughout her body.

The second time I was hospitalized, I requested the house doctor from referrals I received during my first hospitalization.  This doctor was much better than my assigned doctor I had to endure for 3 weeks..  He said to me..."we are going to get you out of here as soon as possible.  The longer you are in here, the higher your chance is of getting an infection".  I told him about the lady across the hall who picked up that infection and he said; IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!  

A couple of things I want to point out:  When you are in the hospital, if you are not happy with your assigned doctor; ask around for which doctors are better.  I started asking the nurses and other patients.  I also observed other doctors who came to call on my different room mates.  You probably won't be able to switch your assigned doctor during that visit, but you can ask for a different doctor the next time you are admitted.  

The other point I want to make is, a good doctor will do everything they can to get you out of hospital as quick as they deem safe.  There is a fine line between needing to stay long enough until you are well enough to leave; and staying too long increasing your chances of being exposed to a deadly infection.  Below is a  report on infections that I found interesting.

The full list of 105 U.S. hospitals that have tallied zero central-line infections in their most recent reports can be found at performing hospitals include several major teaching institutions in major metropolitan areas. Some examples include New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, Strong Memorial in Rochester, New York, Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, New Jersey, and the Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center in California. Bloodstream infections cause at least 30 percent of the estimated 99,000 annual hospital-infection-related deaths in the U.S. and add on average $42,000 to the hospital bills of each ICU patient who gets a central-line infection.

I also want to mention I have not used the name of the hospital, doctors, or patient to protect their identity.

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