How To Manage Inflammation for Vasculitis

Vasculitis is currently "Incurable".  It also is the inflammation of the blood vessels.
However, my accupuncturist Dr. Lu, says, "if we can manage to keep the inflammation down, we can manage the disease"

An interesting article on inflammation from the Arizona Healing Center

The following are ways you can manage inflammation which is the root of many diseases such as cancer.

Eat anti inflammatory foods and avoid foods that trigger inflammation

There is an excellent book called the  Anti-Inflammation Diet.

Take care of yourself through regular exercise, adequate sleep, work with an alternative healing practitioner to keep you well, or facilitate your wellness, avoid or minimize stress, and have a spiritual support group.

Keep your PH in Balance - being too acidic has a relationship with inflammation

Under the direction of my accupuncturist, I drink Goji berry and fresh ginger tea
drink this tea morning, noon, and night and my blood tests so far have shown it works.  My sedementary rate is very low.

Once again I have to mention I am not a doctor and am only sharing my experiences and results.  It is essential for you to check with your healing practitioner before making any changes.  

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Ten Foods every Vasculitis Person should eat

Think Anti-inflammatory foods

Lets start with my favorite:

is the only fruit which contains bromelain
I put pineapple in a variety of salads, I make pina colada smoothies often, and I also eat it by itself.

I add them to my morning fruit smoothies

Enhances any fresh fruit salad

Sprinkle some in your miso soup or on a salad daily. You can also buy kelp noodles and add them into a variety of salads

Chia seeds
are another great anti-inflammatory additive you have to work into your recipes.  Cleveland Clinic has a recipe for vegetable and chia chili.- add 2 tablespoons per pot.  I like chia seeds in raw strawberry or chocolate pudding.

Shitake mushrooms -
great on top of homemade pizza - in miso soup - sauces -

broccoli - 
can be eaten alone or used in a variety of salads or casseroles.  Steaming broccoli is best to avoid cooking out all the enzymes and vitamins.  Raw would be best

Sweet Potatoes -
I love sweet potato casserole.  But to optimize the benefits, sweet potato can also be eaten raw in a variety of salads.

Wild caught salmon
Eat only wild caught

Green Tea -
At least one cup per day

Just as important as eating foods that are anti-inflammatory is avoiding foods that cause inflammation.

Generally, foods that are acidic
white flour - sugar - gluten - wheat - meat - dairy 


Every food you eat will have a reaction in your body.  It will either lift you up or bring you down, keep you your ideal weight or make you gain weight.  Food can give you energy or take it away,  make you bloated, puffy, or even flatten your stomach, make you sweat, give you mucus, or even boost your immune system.

Ask your food what it can do for you?

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Vasculitis Awareness Week starts today

This is national Vasculitis Awareness week where we make an extra effort to raise awareness and do fundraisers.

Here's an article I wrote describing my symptoms

Also for more information, visit the vasculitis foundation website for a full description on what form of vasculitis I have called wegeners.

I recently started selling ancient minerals magnesium oil and in case you were thinking of buying a bottle, this week I am donating  $1.00 for every bottle I sell.  Every dollar donated to the foundation will be directly applied toward Vasculitis research and finding a cure.

If you are not interested in buying a bottle but would like to make a donation to vasculitis research, you may do so by calling the vasculitis foundation at 1-800-277-9474.

Scroll back a couple of articles to read my article on the most effective form of magnesium you will ever use.

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Antioxidant coffee

If you are a coffee drinker and would like to increase the benefits of drinking coffee, meet Caffe Sanora Organic.
It is a new antioxidant coffee which claims to have "more antioxidants than most green teas!

I bought their signature roast at Kroger's which comes ground and is organic by the way.  It is delicious!  Caffe Sanora calls their coffee roasting process "Healthy Roast" and is described as a revolutionary roasting method.  Other companies roast their beans at high temperatures which destroys the level of antioxidants remaining.

Better would of course be to avoid drinking any coffee, but if you are going to drink it, this is a healthier choice.

When I ended up in the hospital in August 2006, I immediately quit drinking coffee and did not have any for 2 years.  When I started drinking some last summer here and there I knew I must be feeling a lot better.  I know about balancing my ph now and eat enough alkaline foods to balance out a cup of coffee a day.  When I have the urge to have more than 1 cup I drink "Teeccino"  which is an alternative to coffee and also tastes delicious.

It is organic and comes in a variety of flavors  The dark roast is made from roasted Ramon nuts, organic carob, organic barley, organic chicory, and organic coffee flavor.  This product is non-acidic, contains no caffeine, and yet is a natural energy boost.  If you are trying to quit drinking any coffee, it says right on the bag it will help you kick the habit in 2 weeks and has advice on how.

This product can be purchased at whole foods and at better health food stores.  In my area it is also available at the Detroit Zen Center.

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My favorite Omega 3 Fish Oil

If you have not heard yet, Omega 3 Fish Oil is an essential supplement for everyone.  But in particular if you have vasculitis.  Every since 2007, I have been regularily taking 3 fish oil capsules a day and have been rotating the brands I buy.   My kidney doctor was actually one of the many who told me to take fish oil capsules as a way to help keep down the inflammation as well as other benefits  He told me he buys his at Costco and that they are they best price and a good quality.

I never did try the Costco brand, but have bought many bottles at Trader Joe's of the Molecularly Distilled and Odorless variety.  But since this is a cheaper brand, I like to rotate it and every other day take my favorite more expensive fish oil as a treat called  "Barlean's" Omega Swirl Fish Oil.  It comes in 2 flavors, but my favorite is
Lemon Zest and it's delicious.

I eat it for dessert and it is truly yummy.  I should also point out, if you are vegan or one of my raw food friends, this does have egg yolks in it and you'll have to miss out on this one.   Since it does have the egg yolks, it's another good reason to use it in rotation with other fish oils throughout the day.

I also did a little research on the company which has been in business since 1989 and they impress me.  I feel this is another very high quality product you should try.   If you do decide to buy some, it's like flax seed oil and needs to be kept in the refridgerator.

If it is a little expensive for your budget, you might like to use it in rotation with your other less expensive fish oils.  Another very highly recommended omega 3 oil is cod liver oil (which is in barleans).  I have not yet personally used pure cod liver oil, but am very impressed with the information I read about it.

I am not making this available on my site because for most people it is readily available.  I am still only selling the magnesium ancient mineral oil.

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