Lets face it, some of the best most powerful medicine in the world tastes bad. The more healing power in your green smoothie, from my opinion, the worst it can taste... until you get used to it.
Remember, I gave up taste for benefits in August 2006. I felt so low on energy, my thinking was not clear, my vision had deteriorated, and I needed help from every direction I could get it. As Hippocrates said,
"Let Food Be Your Medicine, and medicine your food".
My personal philosophy on this is, when you are so, so, low on energy, you can better notice the effects from your food. When I began to notice what I was drinking was lifting me up, that motivated me to ignore the taste. After the first 100 or so green smoothies, I guess I did acquire a taste for them.
Also I quit drinking coffee the first day I was in hospital. I intuitively knew I needed to eliminate anything acidic. Besides, why drink coffee that is just so so? A crummy cup of coffee would not be worth the extra acid it would deposit. The biggest reason though, after 5 days in hospital, I was put on 800mg steroids a day for 9 days straight. I can't even imagine that combination.
My point in mentioning coffee? I noticed coffee and smoothies do not go together. So if you are a coffee drinker, have your green smoothie before drinking your coffee. It will also help you to avoid developing an ulcer, especially if you are on steroids. The high ph of your smoothie will also help to balance out the acid in the coffee.
I also had to draw the line on dandelion greens. They are so healthy for you and especially if you put them in your green drink. But, I still have not been able to eat anymore. Wheat grass taste terrible, but you don't have to drink too much of it to get a benefit for the day, and it is as simple as downing a shot of tequilla. I hate shots of tequila or whiskey, or any of those hard liquors.
In my travels, I loved sampling the homemade alcohol, liquors, and wines of the country I happened to be in.
I drank the local ouzo in Greece, Raki (similar to our moonshine in the south) in Turkey, apricot liquor in Austria. When I drank retsina wine in Greece for the first time, I thought, you gotta be kidding; that taste like turpentine.
Not that I ever tasted turpentine or paint remover, but, just the smell alone of some of those local spirits.
I was always so polite when visiting people in their homes, I felt obligated to drink what they offered me, even if it was the worst I had ever tasted up to that point in my life. My conclusion, lots of my girlfriends would say, yuck, and drink alcohol anyway, and the only thing you got out of that was sick sometimes.
At least, if you can bare to drink dark green smoothies, you will stay healthy or get well. Your ph will become balanced, you will push out toxins, clean out your liver, clear up your complexion, your bowel movements will become regular, your hair will improve, you'll get that sparkle back in your eyes, you'll think clearer, you'll be one step closer to reaching your ideal weight, or not gaining another pound, you will begin to reverse the aging process. Yes, Green Smoothies are an anti-aging approach to health and wellness.
I just focus on the results I want and really, your taste buds actually will begin to change. I actually enjoy my green smoothies, unless I put dandelion greens in them.
Drink coffee after your green smoothie
Start with green friendly recipes and then gradually drink the less tasty ones.
Separate the fiber and just drink the juice at first or sometimes. (I always leave the fiber in because it is my meal and my system needs the fiber). My husband will drink it if I strain out the fiber - it's less intense.
A friendly variety would be spinach, celery, apple, lemon, and parsley. As opposed to beet leaf instead of spinach. Do not overdue spinach though because of the high oxalic acid content. Swiss Chard taste better than mustard or turnip greens. Collard and kale are a little less overwhelming.
The following are just my opinions:
If you are sick, drinking green smoothies will be the best thing you do to help yourself!
If you are well and want to reverse the aging process, or just maintain your health, nothing will beat what green smoothies can contribute to your health.
If you want to just get more nutrients in your body, drink green smoothies.
Eat Well To Feel Great!