I started using peppermint oil to take away my headaches in November of 2011 and have not taken anything else for headaches since then. I rubbed the oil on my temples and depending on where the headache is; rub it there too. Sometimes I rub it on the back of my neck where it meets the hairline. For more prominent headaches I rub it at the base of my neck all the way down to my shoulders. It takes about the same time to work as if you were taking a traditional solution like tylenol or excedrin.
#2 - Memory
A clinical trial proved students using peppermint oil daily had their grades improve by 28%. Other studies proved using medicinal grade peppermint Oil improved memory. It also helps to bring clarity when thinking and enhances your feeling of being more fully awake. Clinical Trial done by Dr. Dembar - University Of Cincinnati proved it increased "the mental accuracy of students by 28%".
A clinical trial proved students using peppermint oil daily had their grades improve by 28%. Other studies proved using medicinal grade peppermint Oil improved memory. It also helps to bring clarity when thinking and enhances your feeling of being more fully awake. Clinical Trial done by Dr. Dembar - University Of Cincinnati proved it increased "the mental accuracy of students by 28%".
#3 - Circulation - put a few drops in a carrier oil and massage over legs and feet
#4 - Halitosis (bad breathe) Drop 1 drop in 3 oz of water - swish and gargle - very refreshing and effective as a natural mouthwash
#4 - Flavored water - 1 drop in 8oz. of water makes a refreshing beverage without any additives. Taken internally it also aids indigestion, gas, heartburn, diarrhea, fever, flu, hot flashes, vomiting, throat infections, and toothaches. Also many more problems such as Irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, bronchitis, Candida, motion sickness, nerves (regenerates and supports), and is very cooling.
#5 - Cooking or uncooking My favorite recipe is peppermint raw chocolate
#6 - Pain Relief
Put a few drops in a carrier oil like coconut or castor oil, and rub anywhere you have pain. Tired feet or legs? Add some drops to a foot size container of warm water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Afterwards take water on sponge and rub all up and down your legs to stimulate circulation. Very Invigorating and energizing.
Put a few drops in a carrier oil like coconut or castor oil, and rub anywhere you have pain. Tired feet or legs? Add some drops to a foot size container of warm water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Afterwards take water on sponge and rub all up and down your legs to stimulate circulation. Very Invigorating and energizing.
#7 - Liver Dr. Jean Valnet studied peppermint’s supportive effect on the liver and respiratory systems.
Changing your traditional medicine cabinet to an alternative one free of side effects starts with buying a medicinal grade bottle of peppermint oil. To obtain your bottle of peppermint oil email tinatierney@cavtel.net
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